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Kumara plicatilis (Fan Aloe) - A fantastic plant with very unique form! Grows into a beautiful 3-6 foot multi-trunk, bonsai-like shrub with a woody base and smooth gray colored stems that terminate in broad, fan-like clusters of blue-gray leaves. The leaves are rounded on the tips and nearly smooth on the sides giving them the shape of a tongue depressor (Some people actually call this one "Tongue Depressor Plant"). I prefer Fan Aloe but, if you're in the medical profession, this would definitely be a plant for your office landscape! In late winter to early spring, each fan produces 12 inch tall spikes of beautiful tubular orange-red flowers. Also makes a fantastic potted specimen!  SALE PLANT IS THE ACTUAL ONE IN THE LAST FOUR PHOTOS.

Well drained soil and full sun, but protect from very hot afternoon sun in hot climates.

Occasional summer water and extra winter and spring irrigation if grown in an area that does not reveive adequate rainfall during those seasons.

Hardy to approx. 25 degrees F.

USDA Zones 9b-13b

Pot size: One gallon


Kumara plicatilis (Fan Aloe)-One gallon specimen #4

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